not a great start

I didn’t exactly hit the ground running this new year. The piece I started for Seth’s book turned out to be large and complex  (I know shocker-right?) and didn’t get finished by the deadline. I am disappointed with myself… great start to this new creative year, before day one has even passed I have missed a deadline. yikes!

Things are going on creatively, I have several opportunities to show work coming up this year, and have been busy making large gallery works, so not much to show here… one includes hundreds of those meditations in an eggshell that I used in awake, so that is typically time consuming, another work features multiples of something else, not an idea ready for exposure yet… so I feel it is going to be dark and quiet on the blogging front for a while.

So what will I be up to, apart from papering hundreds of eggs? I am teaching an online section of my visual survey class this semester, and I have been having fun working out the logistics of that. Of course it is Spring semester and that means 3d, my favorite class. I am always so excited for a new semester, new opportunities to improve on my teaching, new project ideas, new guests! And reading stacks of books. My usual. Oh and I am going to spend this new year acting as a creative mentor for a group of beginning artists as they take their first steps on their journeys. I am absolutely psyched for that! I will be plenty busy, but maybe there won’t be much to show around here for a bit. I am not really sure.

So happy new year readers, I hope it is full of creative joys and great nurturing relationships.

9 thoughts on “not a great start

  1. Happy New Year to you Deb! I’m sad that you won’t get to participate in Seth’s call for art. Next time, though.

    I do love, love, love the eggs concept… can’t wait to see them all finished!

    • I am sad too, but part of the challenge of being the suburban mum artist is balancing everyone else’s needs too. I had a great holiday season with my kids, so I’ll just hope to play some other time.

  2. I’m sure the sacrifice you made will be worth it. There will be other projects! Love the eggs and congrats on winning the collage box! I was last with it so from memory I think there will be lots of things you will enjoy!

  3. Oh Deb, these eggs are gorgeous – I am really looking forward to seeing what they become.
    I am with you – I blew the deadline as well. I’ll be missing the Sketchbook Project one as well, so we’re barely into the new year and I’ve already got 2 strikes against me!! YIKES! I call do over, please?!?
    sigh… and carry on!
    xox K

  4. I know just what you mean about things getting too big and out of control; the first thing I started for Seth’s book project was just such a piece. I realized I was in over my head and it wasn’t really working out as I’d planned, so I ended up scrapping it and starting over. I got finished just under the wire. I’ve also missed three show entry deadlines, and like Karin, wish i could have a do-over. I love the papered eggs, and am sure it will all work out in the end. hugs to you, Deb!

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