studios and sediment

Here’s the door that leads up the stairs to my studio. As many of you know my studio, well actually an image of my inspiration board was featured over at the Altered Page this past Sunday, then yesterday while catching up on my blog reading (its been an insane week of grading for mid-terms) I find that Jafabrit is talking about her studio, and how she works there. Since I have no new work at a stage to share, I thought this week I’d give you a glimpse inside my working world. Its pretty basic and often untidy, so if you love those glossy magazine spreads of pristine studios this may not be the blog for you today!!

The images above and below are of what my friend Steve politely calls the environment for my work. That sounds so much more professional than mess don’t you think!! Of course he is a writer and has a way with words!! It is a VERY large table (8×4 feet) that always starts out clean at the beginning of a series of works, but quickly becomes populated with stuff I might want or need. The stuff on the table kind of drives the things I make on the table… which is how series are born in my studio. I keep working until I have exhausted the possible options there, then I clean up and start all over again. When I have cornered myself into a small space I just heap things up until I have room to wield my ruler or whatever! This way putting things away is like unearthing treasures all over again as I sift through the sedimentary debris of paper layers rehousing them in their appropriate drawers and boxes. Once I am rolling and work is being produced I try not to add to the chaos any further!

I do like things sort of organised tho! Although I am not sure that the system would work for anyone else, its kind of quirky and has as much to do with the origin of the paper as what is on it. Some things are sorted by type, mulberry for example, but lots of bins would probably look random to the onlooker, but I know exactly what’s in them!!

I love love love having a space where I can leave my environment (read mess) in full swing and come back to it. Like Jafabrit I used to work in our dining room. The advantage was it its quite literally in the center of our home, the disadvantages would be obvious I would think, like crazy family members who think one should be able to EAT from the table!! Plus I never felt totally free to really get a mess going, and now I have my own space I realise this is pretty important to my process. I really need to SEE my stuff!!

9 thoughts on “studios and sediment

  1. wow wow wow!!! I love it – such a creative cacophony! Yes, it’s wonderful to just be able to let it be. Not having to clean up in the midst of creative flow is a blessing! Great pics Deb πŸ™‚
    xo K

  2. Just letting you know I am still here, reading your posts in my reader. Loved seeing where it is the flow…flows. I create in the lounge, very practical which is why I do it but not so good on the mess side of things!lol

    Also, I have a question for you I wanted to ask but don’t can’t remember your email. Can you email me? (please!) it’s not a biggie, just something I thought you might be interested in!

    Take care,

  3. Glad none of you were too dismayed by my creative mess! I’ll take a picture next time it is all cleaned up. Right now we are finally finishing up the insulation and I may even get some walls in the next couple of weeks πŸ™‚

  4. Enchanting and mesmerizing. I think this is how people’s work area’s really are. I know when I’m working- I have piles all over the place of different materials, papers and paints I’m working with. Just love looking at all of your supplies, tools and huge area you have to work in!! Thanks so much for sharing these pictures!! They’re wonderful!

  5. Jill and Jafa, thanks for the vote of confidence and support!! Jill I just can’t imagine you as a “piles” sort of person, but if you are I imagine they are super colourful. And Jafa, I know – environment – what a riot!!

  6. Thank you for inviting me over! I love the “bones” of your studio, and it is so nice to know that my affliction seems to be common one for artists! Yes, I need to have everything at hand, and as visible as possible, otherwise I don’t know what my choices are!

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