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art in teh woods full

OK all of you full time art festival artists, try not to laugh at my amateur little set up here, but I wanted to  share with you where I’ve been this weekend. As you can see the sun finally did come out and so did the shoppers and I ended up selling almost everything, which means I could go grocery shopping and throw a few extras into the cart instead of counting every penny and I could catch up on some bills, so it is nice to have that burden off my back. Also I sold another piece from the Wellsville show and another piece from here after I got home. All in all its been a very affirming weekend, especially because people were so kind and positive about my work. I really want to thank the bloggers who came out to meet me in person, I’m looking forward to all the lunches and coffees we talked about having, and to getting a look inside your studios! Also all the people who came up to  tell me how much they had enjoyed my gallery shows this year. I came home positively glowing (and we all know how much I like being on public display as a rule). It was wonderful to come home feeling bone tired but that people understood me a little and that there is an audience for what I’m doing out there!! So thank you one and all for all the love!!

9 thoughts on “back home

  1. Good that you sold so much. That’s got to be the best kind of pats on the back and “atta girl’s” you can get. Thanks for the comment on the blog. My mother was an awesome person. It’s just impossible to tell everyone all the ways she excelled as a mother and a human being. So kind. Well, before I blubber, again, congratulations on your sales. – Jeanne

  2. Congratulations!! It’s wonderful to hear about successes and that some pressures are lifted. ahhhh! and how cool that you’re getting to put faces to bloggers, and meet folks in person. Sounds like a rich weekend that will only blossom further from here.
    xox Karin

    ps – I haven’t forgotten about your question, and I am working on a video tutorial of that book you were interested in that I posted a bit back! Should get it up later this week.

  3. congrats on your sales! I think that the set-up might have
    endeared people to you so they took a look and bought!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don’t think I can leave out the personal stuff even if I said that I could. so the laugh is on me I suppose. I appreciate your input! You have a lovely blog and your work is outstanding. I’ll be back.

  4. Hi Deb,

    I will put you on my list for the collaboration project, please send me a mail and tell me for which country you will participate.

    Best, LaWendula

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