More good news.

First of all my winnings arrived from LaWendula. Yippee!! Here’s a pic of all the yummy goodies

and second… I am really proud to announce a collaboration I am participating in with Jennifer, a photographer and Dave, an amazing writer. You can see more about it on their blogs, here & here. I will be creating a limited edition custom binding once they have finished all the hard work of creating. Jen and I will probably team up on the graphic design. There may also end up being a print on demand book too. I’ll keep you posted.

Thirdly I will be sending some work off to Leeds again this year to the book fair, working with the same book arts collaborative. The piece I am sending started out as the one for Seth’s new book, but has become much bigger and interactive. Pictures to come later this week.

Tomorrow is the first day of classes, another new beginning. I am always filled with hope and excitement… all in all, good news from under the snow here in upstate NY! And I can’t resist one more egg picture!!

you’re a winner!

woot! what a great start to my day… Lawendula, diva of the paper swap sent me an email to let me know that the collage box had finally returned from its long trip around the world, so I headed over to her blog to read this post. And, wow! I have won the final contents, I am so happy! OK I know this is a little sad, I am happy about winning a box of paper scraps… but , well woot!!! For anyone not familiar with the project, here’s a link to my work with the collage box.

one tribe one he(art) update

LaWendula over at Woven Letters has posted a new picture of the project here so go and see how it looks!

Seth over at The Altered Page is busy (as always) with a new edition of The Pulse, because about 200 artists, me included, are participating he has decided to do a series of online reveals, the first of these, Secret Sunday will take place soon – Sunday November 22nd, so be sure to head on over and see what is revealed… if you want to play to, there’s still time head over to find out how to join in!

I am heading out to buy turkey, so have a great Saturday, I have lots to post tomorrow about things that are going into the snail mail post, so come back then!!